The Democratic Party postpones the constituent until after the congress to avoid splits

The Democratic Party postpones the constituent until after the congress to avoid splits


There is only one way to prevent the Democratic Party from implodingto avoid splits or sectarian returns to the past: delay as late as possible the moment in which the dem leaders will have to say what the party is today. This seems to be the moral of what happened yesterday: the new identity of the Democratic Party will be decided after the congress. Nevertheless Enrico Letta after the electoral defeat of last September 25th he had decided it was time to redefine himself. He had launched the congress, but with long times. Not before having celebrated a new constituent phase, a great moment of collective reasoning to “draft the Manifesto of the founding principles and values ​​of the party, starting from the positive intuitions of the foundation’s manifesto”. To do so, the dem management has appointed a committee of wise men made up of “personalities registered and not registered with the Democratic Party”. However, the issue has become more explosive than the dispute over the secretariat. To pass the Ingot or not? Abjure “an ordoliberal charter” or update it without too many substantial changes? These questions have thrown a community into crisis, they have split it in two. First the meeting of the popular party members, led by Pierluigi Castagnetti, “ready to draw the necessary consequences” should “the nature of the party change”. Then, the resignation of Luigi Zanda from the committee of wise men. Yesterday again, the harsh interview given to Repubblica by one of the creators of the Ulivo, Arturo Parisi, against two former DCs, such as Dario Franceschini and Enrico Letta, who are allegedly reporting “the Democratic Party to Livorno in 1921”, in reference to the PSI congress which ended with the split and the birth of the PCI.

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