“The Democratic Party has thought about the internal count, Gualtieri must also make self-criticism”. Carocci speaks

"The Democratic Party has thought about the internal count, Gualtieri must also make self-criticism".  Carocci speaks


The president of the Piccolo America Foundation, which organizes the well-attended summer arenas in the Trastevere area in Rome, comments on the defeat of the centre-left in the regional elections and looks at the new centre-right junta: “We’ll talk to each other, I hope Rocca won’t take away the funding to make propaganda”

“Unfortunately, many in the Democratic Party and in the rest of the center-left took the defeat for granted and thought more about the internal count for the aftermath than about trying to overturn the resultIt’s very sad”. Valerio Carocci, the inventor of the highly attended cinema arenas in Trastevere, in Rome, the golden boy of the Capitoline left, is very disappointed. Plus, he’s angry. He did not digest the resounding defeat of the Pd and allies in the regional elections on Sunday and Monday. It is not so much the result that disturbs him as the ways in which the defeat occurred. “The centre-left – he says – has lost the vote of opinionthe most important one, and remained only with the one of interest, linked to the candidacies of the individuals. People voted more for personal reports than ideas. There hasn’t been an effort to claim the successes of the ten years in the Region, the whole machine instead of moving around the coalition, has moved around the individual candidates “.

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