The Democratic Party has a problem: the friends of the left who are not so hostile to Meloni

The Democratic Party has a problem: the friends of the left who are not so hostile to Meloni


Gentiloni, Bonaccini, Conte (not to mention Biden and the Pope). Plus Elly Schlein raises the bar on government unpresentability – faxists! – the centre-left figures appear more numerous than the bar tending to lower it

The Italian left has a problem: it is surrounded. Surrounded by what? From subjects long considered the inalienable heritage of the left, they have now become subjects who are not hostile to the enemy on duty. Who are we talking about? But of her obviously: of Giorgia Meloni. The theme is recurring. It has been for some time now. And it is a theme that concerns an evident misalignment between what the center-left, or rather the Democratic Party, says about Giorgia Meloni and what many champions of progressive battles, idolized by the Democratic Party, do with Giorgia Meloni.

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