The deficit race has started in the government. And the League proposes to leave the Mes

The deficit race has started in the government.  And the League proposes to leave the Mes


The meetings of the economic leaders of the right to prepare the budget alarm the officials of Via XX Settembre. Are we going back to 2018? Meloni tries to brake, but in the parties the challenge takes place to those who hold it harder. The moves of Tremonti, the appeals of Borghi. The theses of Giorgetti and Leo, who go hunting for fragile covers. Forza Italia presses: “Deviation”

There are those who already see the ghosts of 2018: the riot on the balcony of Palazzo Chigi, the war against the “pieces of m … del Mef”, the coarse run-up to not wanting to give up anything of their own, unless the others first they desist on theirs. And yes that Giorgia Meloni repeats it: “This time it’s different. This time there is a coalition in government, not a mass of parties eager to wave their own flags each ”. And yet on Thursday evening, when the first intentions of the economic managers of Lega and FdI filtered out, at the end of a day of meetings with Giancarlo Giorgetti and Maurizio Leothe officials of Via XX Settembre have widened their eyes. These are only the preliminary works, of course, the figures still have to be taken with a certain elasticity, but that number – 4.5 per cent under the heading “deficit” for 2023 – is an already considerable alarm signal.

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