The decline of Salvini and the chances for the League to find the Belly of the North again

The decline of Salvini and the chances for the League to find the Belly of the North again


An external observer wishing to describe today’s League should probably take a step back from the opposition that is also animating the territorial congresses and therefore favor the recognition of political cultures over the simple description of the (two) positions in comparison. In fact, if you wish, in today’s Northern League world you can identify up to four different strands of interpretation of reality and consequent proposal. The first, certainly not in importance but at least out of respect for senioritas, is the one that reports to Umberto Bossi and the Northern Committee of the Grimoldi-Coccia duo. It is clear that due to the Senatùr’s charisma and the traditionalist positioning that the Committee has taken on in the political disputes, this trend lies within the territorial unionism of the origins, therefore it refers more to what has been than to what will be. And these considerations are valid net of the accusations that are circulating internally and that see the Committee as a club of the excluded and the discontented. I without cadrega, to put it in strict carroccese.

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