The cricket without vaffa that brings classical music to the Senate. Interview with Luca Pirondini

The cricket without vaffa that brings classical music to the Senate.  Interview with Luca Pirondini


Genovese, 41, is the first classical musician elected to Palazzo Madana: “The DRC? Anyone who talks about the exchange vote is in bad faith. The infrastructures are used, also to create jobs, but we will pay the utmost attention to the underworld”. Politics, football and the viola, the most “movementist” tool

In the end he also admits that the viola is a more “movementist” instrument, less individualistic than the violin, probably even less selfish, because it is certain that “violinists are decidedly more competitive, they spend their evenings in the room practicing on tour, we in the hotel lobby to tell stories ”. The senator Luca Pirondini he says this and more before leaving (temporarily) the mystical gulf and entering the hemicycle of Palazzo Madama. He enters us with at least a singular story: he is the first classical musician elected to the Senate of the Republic, the first to set foot there, even now that the available seats have shrunk from 315 to 200 elected in what remains the “upper” chamber of a perfect two-chamber system. Pirondini is 41 years old, he is Genoese, he graduated in viola from the Nicolò Paganini conservatory, a very illustrious Genoese for too long mistreated by his fellow citizens who, as is well known in the post-war period, even knocked down his native house. Since 2018 he is the first viola of the symphony orchestra of Sanremo, the city of the Italian festival and song.

At Palazzo Madama Pirondini arrives with the votes of the Five Star Movement, a party he already represented on the Genoa city council, where he was re-elected on 12 June last. True, the pentastellato senator can count on predecessors who made the world history of classical music, but theirs are definitely different stories. Giuseppe Verdi, the Maestro not one of the numerous homonyms, was elected to the Chamber and then to the Senate, but when Italy had just been unified under the reign of the Savoy. Another master acclaimed all over the world was appointed senator for life of the Republic and it was Arturo Toscanini, but in the end he said no and apparently he was so annoyed by the Italic events that he did not even add a ritual “thank you”.

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