“The Coast Guard responds to the Defense and not to Salvini”. The naval battle of FdI against the League

"The Coast Guard responds to the Defense and not to Salvini".  The naval battle of FdI against the League


Naval battle in the government. The assault is already underway, albeit with party submarines: the Coast Guard is not a competence of Matteo Salvini, but of Guido Crosetto therefore of the Ministry of Defence. From the parts of the Brothers of Italy they begin to say it more and more frequently. Cards in hand. And this emphasis is also part of the attempt set up by Giorgia Meloni and her loyalists to narrow the field of competence of the allies as much as possible. It happens with the Pnrr with Raffaele Fitto to the detriment of the owner of the Economy Giancarlo Giorgetti. He continues on Energy with the moves of Adolfo Urso to steal the proxies from Gilberto Pichetto Fratin. And he continues on a pivot of Salvini’s propaganda: the Coast Guard. Ergo: migrants and landings.

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