The Cida challenge for the implementation of the Pnrr

The Cida challenge for the implementation of the Pnrr


Skills, innovation and forward-looking policies, these are the levers on which to focus for the development of a sustainable future according to Stefano Cuzzilla, President of CIDA, the confederation that represents executives, middle managers and high professionals from the public and private sectors that met today in Rome for the 2023 Assembly.

In addition to the president Stefano Cuzzilla, the CIDA Assembly was attended by Adolfo Urso, Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy; Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, Minister of the Environment and Energy Security of Italy; Paolo Zangrillo, Minister for Public Administration; Marina Elvira Calderone, Minister of Labor and Social Policies; Renato Loiero, economic adviser to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers; Manlio Guadagnuolo, Extraordinary Commissioner of the Government of the Puglia-Molise interregional Adriatic ZES.

“In addition to supranational issues such as war, inflation, changes in geopolitical relationships, immigration, we have three major challenges within us: implementing the PNNR, getting the PA off the ground by attacking delays and bureaucracy, and making public and private allies more competitive and allies. How we manage all this will determine our future” declares Stefano Cuzzilla, who goes on to indicate the chronic weaknesses of our country on which action is urgently needed.

“The estimate of +1.2% of GDP for 2023 is a figure that testifies to our country’s ability to react, but there are still many unresolved issues. Actions on employment and productivity are urgently needed otherwise the gap with the EU is destined to widen, also due to the demographic trends of our country. We are concerned – continues Cuzzilla – that most of our efforts are aimed at defending our companies from predatory attacks by foreign multinationals, while in too few cases we are the ones to attack. We are concerned about the stalemate we have inherited, in particular in the public sector, which has hindered the renewal of the CCNL for years. How can we attract qualified professionals, perhaps from the private sector, if we don’t offer them a decent contract? So we need to understand what really drives our GDP. To be truly protagonists in Europe, we need to focus on high value-added productions, winning us the primacy in the innovations that are destined to dominate the markets in the near future. From this point of view, the PNRR represents an important investment lever and its implementation could even partially offset the restrictive monetary policies of the European Union. For this reason, it is essential that the Government propose revisions to the Plan by August and that, from the following day, it starts running again. We have only one goal, and it is everyone’s goal: to work together to bring about the profound change that the country deserves. With responsibility, transparency, reliability and above all competence”.

With regard to the role of management in relaunching our country’s entrepreneurship at the European level, Adolfo Urso, Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy declares: “Public and private managers are an important link, we need a discussion with you to indicate to the ruling class of the country that this is Italy’s moment, together we can go back to making history – and he continues – We must create a country system. Italy can assume a significant role at European and international level. The very fact that today Meloni both in Warsaw he demonstrates it, because he is the President of the conservatives, one of the great European families. A particularity that only France has, with the President of the Republic who is also the president of another European family, that of the liberals”.

During the CIDA Assembly, Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, Minister of the Environment and Energy Security intervened underlining that “this country has shown that it is a great transforming country and with its own genius of teaming up with the many diversities we have. So they must all be involved in this process of change and transition and, in some cases, even spending. Today – announced the Minister during the CIDA Assembly – I signed the policy document for Terna, involving Arera, which provides for the reduction to a minimum of the use of coal and the prohibition of fuel oil for the production of electricity. This is due to the country’s decarbonisation process but also because over 82% of storage for next winter has already been reached”.

“As long as I am Minister, I will fight for the value of merit to also belong to the public administration – declares Paolo Zangrillo, Minister for Public Administration and continues “If I am concerned with assessing the merit of my collaborators, I am concerned with how much their skills are adequate to the challenges it has to face and I can intervene on its areas of weakness. Organizations live and are nourished through pride and a sense of belonging, and if we are not able to reward those who deserve a sense of belonging, it does not germinate. Managing people means trying to enhance them, understand the content of people from the point of view of passions and accompany them in their growth”.

Emphasizing the commitment that the entire managerial class makes to managing transition phenomena in the labor market that lead to important challenges such as digitalisation, sustainability and ecological transition, Marina Elvira Calderone Minister of Labor and Social Policies declares ”I think it is It is important to underline the commitment that the entire managerial class makes to manage transition phenomena in the labor market that lead to important challenges that speak of digitalisation, sustainability and ecological transition. In these challenges, the theme of skills is central ”and she continues by highlighting ” It is no coincidence that 2023 is the European year of skills which must be considered the central element of any quality work experience. This scenario requires greater attention to training courses – scholastic, university and professional – which receive and enhance the messages that come from the world of work and which are in close contact with the needs of businesses”. “With this in mind, the Government is already taking action by reviewing the New Skills Fund, to give more space to managerial training, and focusing on the simplification of processes so that the fruits of the actions put in place are immediately perceptible”, she concluded.

“I bring the greetings of the Premier, who is engaged in Warsaw today. This is an audience that can make a truly effective contribution, CIDA is characterized by giving representation to sectors that are different from each other, and central to the country” says Renato Loiero, economic adviser of the premier Giorgia Meloni, speaking at the national assembly of CIDA.

Manlio Guadagnuolo, Extraordinary Commissioner of the Government of the Apulia-Molise interregional Adriatic ZES recalls the responsibility of the ZES for the economic, infrastructural and social development of a vast territory and underlines how “it can be an important architect of the growth of Southern Italy and of the GDP which follows. It is therefore essential to invest in the right skills, enhancing those figures with proven professional qualifications who are able to accelerate the birth and growth of new business initiatives, as well as the creation of PNRR strategic infrastructures serving the production areas, based on concrete projects of development, and directing its economic resources in the best possible way”.


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