The ceremony for the Liberation Day at the Altare della Patria. Mattarella: “Keep the memory of the Liberation alive”

The ceremony for the Liberation Day at the Altare della Patria.  Mattarella: "Keep the memory of the Liberation alive"



The President of the Republic together with the Minister of Defense will then be in Piedmont to honor the heroes of the Resistance and remember the Nazi-Fascist massacres

Must “keep alive the memory” of Nazi-fascist atrocities but above all don’t forget how many fought and “allowed the liberation of Italy from Nazi-fascist oppression”, said the President of the Republic yesterday, Sergio Matterellaanticipating the celebrations of April 25th. Today the head of state placed a laurel wreath at the Altar of the Fatherland, with Prime Minister Meloni and Defense Minister Crosetto and with the presidents of the La Russa Senate and the Fontana Chamber. Controversy has surrounded the second office of state, which today will fly to Prague to pay homage to the figure of Jan Palach, the young Czechoslovak who became a symbol of anti-communism who committed suicide on January 16, 1969 by setting himself on fire to protest against the Soviet invasion Wenceslas square where the president of the Senate will deposit a crown. La Russa will also visit the Theresienstadt Nazi concentration camp.

At the end of the ceremony, Mattarella, accompanied by the Minister of Defence, will instead go to Wedgewhere at 11 he will pay homage to the Monument of the Resistance, will visit the Galimberti House Museum, then at the Torselli Theater he will take part in the commemorative ceremony on April 25th. The criminal lawyer and partisan leader Duccio Galimberti – tortured and killed by the fascists on December 3, 1944 – was the first to obtain the gold medal for military valor, on February 14, 1945 while the war was still ongoing. In the afternoon, starting at 15.30, Mattarella will be at Borgo San Dalmazzowhere the Memorial of the deportation Museum Memo4345, tells the Holocaust and remembers in particular the Jews deported from this country. Then it will be at boves at the Monument to the Resistance. Here it wore itself out the first massacre of innocent civilians by the Nazi army on 19 September 1943. Two other massacres, still in the same town in the province of Cuneo, took place between 31 December 1943 and 3 January 1944. The roundups and repression by the German soldiers were triggered by the kidnapping of two SS soldiers and the death of a third at the hands of the local partisan formation commanded by Ignazio Vian, one of the first to arise in Italy.

Among the representatives of the institutions who will celebrate in the places of the Resistance are Adolfo Urso (minister of companies and made in Italy) who will be at Porta San Paolo, a symbolic place of the partisan struggle in the capital, with the Jewish community of Rome, and Antonio Tajani who will will go to the Fosse Ardeatine, where on 24 March 1944 335 people were killed by the Nazi-fascists. Many ministers will participate in the celebrations organized in their cities to show their attachment to the territory.


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