The center-left defeated in Lazio reasons (and argues) on the field “not wide enough”

The center-left defeated in Lazio reasons (and argues) on the field "not wide enough"


Waiting for the results, in the semi-desert land of via di Portonaccio, headquarters of the committee of the governor candidate dem Alessio D’Amato, the post-industrial panorama with a glimpse of the Moto Guzzi vintage workshop, despite the sun, does not help to cheer up, because any discussion of this and that inevitably falls back on the theme of affluence – which is what it is and perhaps it is even worse than what it looks like. Not only. One cannot hide from the eyes what will explode as the real sore spot: the (not) wide field, accused number one. D’Amato is expected, in the place where Roberto Gualtieri showed himself victorious. One also wonders who will come down here from the Democratic Party (and when), while the Third Pole follows the results from the Action headquarters. The exit polls arrive and the accounts, even optimistic, do not give certainty that by doing it the other way – wide field with the Five Stars – the result would have been different. Reverse calculations are made for Milan (with the Five Stars but without the Third Pole). They are waiting for the real data while Calenda, from an indefinite elsewhere, moves on to the possible “political disappearance” of Silvio Berlusconi. Finally, Esterino Montino, mayor of Fiumicino and coordinator of the D’Amato committee, descends from an iron staircase: “Presenting ourselves divided on the left weighed heavily”. Was the problem with Five Star the incinerator? D’Amato will answer later (36.9 percent of the votes, with Pd at 21.35, Third Pole at 5, 2 and Five Star at 9.70) that no, that was “a pretext”, and it is Giuseppe Conte to have made a mistake in not joining.

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