The Cav. unintentional. So he won as an entrepreneur and failed as a politician

The Cav.  unintentional.  So he won as an entrepreneur and failed as a politician


Liberalism knows that the consequences of actions, even involuntary ones, matter more than anything else. Berlusconi was Italy’s first major missed opportunity: but while he failed as a reformer, he still changed the country

“Not from the benevolence of the Knight.” A central concern of liberalism is the idea that the unintended consequences of human actions tend to outweigh the intentional ones. This also probably applies to the consequences of Silvio Berlusconi and his liberalism. Berlusconi takes the field in 1994 and unleashes a rhetorical scimitar that has never been seen. The parties of the First Republic, including the “liberal” one, have been playing at expanding the perimeter of the state for thirty years. The investigations in Milan and the widespread perception that the large public company was the first illicit almsgiver have created a new climate. In the speech with which he ended the experience of his government and with which he hoped to recite the de profundis for a whole “system”, in 1993, Julian Amato he explained that “the progressive degeneration of Italian parties (…) was in reality the return to the progressive amplification of a strong trend in Italian history, which in the latter was born in the 1920s and 1930s with the organization of that party” . “The regime founded on parties that acquire mass consensus through the use of public institutions was born in Italy with fascism and is now disappearing. It is no coincidence that at the same time the economic regime based on public enterprise, which was born in the 1930s, disappeared. like the passage between that regime and the Republic, but which is now failing”.

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