The battle of the oppositions on the new names of the dicasteries. Magi’s amendment-provocation: “From Ministry of the Sea to Rescue at Sea”

The battle of the oppositions on the new names of the dicasteries.  Magi's amendment-provocation: "From Ministry of the Sea to Rescue at Sea"


The oppositions battle the government over the new names of the ministries. That are the subject of various amendments by Pd, +Europe and Third Pole, al decree which determines the new denominations. Some amendments are ironic, while others aim at substance, such as that of Riccardo Magi (+Europe) that transforms the new ministry of the sea of Musumeci in “Ministry for Sea Rescues”.

The majority is also attacked on an issue dear to the Brothers of Italy: the use of the English language. The use of the expression “made in Italy” to name what was previously the Mise, the ministry of economic development and which the Meloni government wanted to rename “ministry of companies and made in Italy” is under accusation. The deputies of the Pd Bonafè, Cuperlo, Mauri, Provenzano and Schlein they propose that it be called the “ministry of domestic enterprises and products” instead. Still Magi of +Europe tickles the ideological nostalgia of FdI and makes fun of the fact that it was precisely a nationalist government that introduced English for the first time in the wording of ministries and change the name of the dicastery of bear in ministry “of indigenous products”. If his amendment were approved, the ministry of via Veneto would therefore become “the ministry of businesses and indigenous products”. But it doesn’t end there. Because also the Left and the Greens, with the deputies Zaratti and Evi, have ventured into the enterprise of linguistic conversion. The ministry of made in Italy must become for them the “ministry of making Italy”.

Another proposed modification of the Pd, which the parliamentarians themselves define in the explanation “deliberately provocative” and the renaming of the dicastery governed by Salvini as “ministry of infrastructure and freedom of movement”. And yet the Ministry of Labor assumes the name of “ministry of workers, social policies and social equity”. Other amendments simply restore the old denominations while others attribute new competences to the various dicasteries: for example one integrates the attributions of the dicastery of Lollobrigida which must also “guarantee compliance with the ‘farm to fork’ strategy, fair remuneration of the entire supply chain, enhancement of the value chain”.

Robert Giachetti (Action-Iv), presented three amendments: one maintains civil protection in the hands of the Prime Minister and two others restore, again within the presidency, the mission units for school construction and hydrogeological risk, set up by the government Renzi and cassate by Conte governments.

The Pd group instead asks to delete the article of the decree which gives the possibility of conferring executive positions, even in derogation of the relative percentage limits in force within the scope of the Prime Minister’s Office, for the performance of functions assigned to the structure for aerospace policies. Finally, the Democratic Party requests that the government present, in three months’ time, “a report on the state of implementation of the procedures for the reorganization of all ministries and their impact on the implementation of the Pnrr”.


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