The artistic Daspo is coming against the smearers and activists

The artistic Daspo is coming against the smearers and activists


New penalties against serial destroyers, even if the crime already exists (and the destroyer of Trinità dei Monti has just been indicted). Advice for ever new crimes to Melonian panpenalism

Give it to the daubers! A draft law by the Brothers of Italy (first signatory is Senator Marco Lisei) approved yesterday in the Council of Ministers aims to counter activists and heinous vandals of monumentsthe. After the black liquid spilled into the Barcaccia fountain in Piazza di Spagna in Rome or the orange paint thrown against Palazzo Vecchio in Florence (the same used in January to smear Palazzo Madama) here are brutal fines and prison: from 20 to 60 thousand euros, plus penal sanctions, for those who destroy, disperse, deteriorate or render “wholly or partially unusable or unusable cultural property”.

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