The 2023 budget law and the cut in funds for urban cycle paths. Associations: “A snatch”

The 2023 budget law and the cut in funds for urban cycle paths.  Associations: "A snatch"


“Starting from 1 January 2023, the state budget will no longer have one euro for urban cycle paths”, reads the appeal by Clean Cities, Fiab, Greenpeace, Kyoto Club, Transport & Environment, Legambiente and Cittadini per l’aria. The text of the law passed by the General State Accounting Office has arrived in the Chamber of Deputies, and in the explanatory note of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport led by Matteo Salvini, the total cut of the residual funds appears. “This is 94 million euros for the years 2023 and 2024, which had remained in the Fund for the development of urban cycle networks and not yet assigned. The fund was established by budget law 160/2019 (art. 1 paragraph 47 )”.

The financial

In the draft of the budget law, the funds for cycle paths disappear

by Giacomo Talignani

From the dossier “It’s not a country for bicycles”, published a few days ago by Clean Cities, Fiab, Kyoto Club and Legambiente, a considerable cycling distance emerges between Italian cities and the most advanced ones in Europe in terms of cycling mobility, to bridge which according to the signatory associations of the appeal it would be necessary to quadruple the kilometers of runways for a total expenditure of 3.2 billion euros. The request, also supported by a petition, is therefore for the government and Parliament to finance an extraordinary plan to promote urban cycling with 500 million a year between now and 2030.

The report

“It’s not a country for bikes”: in Italy we spend 100 times more on cars

by Alessandro Petrone

“The transition of our cities towards sustainable and zero-emission mobility can no longer be postponed”, continues the appeal. “The climate crisis is getting worse, and every year between 50 thousand and 60 thousand Italians die, due to air pollution levels well above the limits set by the World Health Organization. It is necessary to offer people the opportunity to move safely using the bike to reach their places of work, study or leisure. To date, many cannot because the roads are the undisputed domain of cars”.

The appeal insists on the scarce cycle infrastructure, the paths that are often not connected to each other, and the lack of a vision that brings together urban planning and sustainable mobility, making it difficult, and often impossible, to use the bicycle as an alternative means of transport to the car.


General plan of cycling mobility. A billion euros to try to change Italy’s paths and mentality

by Jaime D’Alessandro

“Yet the bicycle in short and medium journeys, and in connection with public transport networks, is an extraordinary ally not only from an environmental and climatic point of view, but also as an active part in solving the health emergency due to pollution and as an instrument of justice and social inclusion”.


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