Africa, the burden and consequences on migrant people of violations of fundamental rights

Africa, the burden and consequences on migrant people of violations of fundamental rights


ROME – An event will take place on 12 December which aims to explore the state of fundamental rights in the African continent and how their violation affects the phenomenon of migration. The meeting, which is promoted by theAssociation of Christians for the Abolition of Torture (Acat), was titled “Africa, the slow path of human rights: challenges, perspectives, testimonies”, and is a final event of the project Acat Italia 2022 Graduation Award “An award to stop torture and for the rights of migrants”, supported with funds from the Otto per mille della Waldensian Church.

At the meeting, which will be moderated by the responsible director of Africa and BusinessMassimo Zaurrini, Michel Kalemba, member of acat Democratic Republic of the Congo and member of the International Federation of Acat (Fiacat), Lyonel Grassy, directeur de plaidoyer of Fiacat and active in various projects on the African continent, Sister Paola Vizzotto, missionary of the Immaculate Conception, a volunteer for many years in the prisons of Cameroon and currently in Rebibbia and the journalist Luca Attanasio. The event will begin at 17 in the premises of the Aula Magna of the Waldensian Faculty of Theology in Rome.


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