Tear or wear? Towards the Renzi-Calenda challenge. Steps from Action to Italy alive, the Rome case breaks out

Tear or wear?  Towards the Renzi-Calenda challenge.  Steps from Action to Italy alive, the Rome case breaks out


Matteo Renzi has already made it known that he will be there. There are still doubts about the actual presence of Carlo Calenda. At the center of the meeting at Palazzo Madama on Monday will be the future holding of the joint parliamentary group of Action and Italia Viva. The former premier starts from an advantage: with the arrival of Enrico Borghi from the Democratic Party, Renzi has reached the threshold of forming an autonomous group with the name of his party. He can therefore allow himself the luxury of breaking, forcing the five Action senators to merge into the Misto group. And Renzoi meanwhile welcomes other exponents of the twin formation into his party: this time they are the members of the Roman secretariat of Action, who however – the men of Calenda hasten to explain – had been “disheartened” for some time.

The strategy of attrition

The harshness reached by the personal challenge between the two leaders would suggest an almost obvious epilogue. Even if, during the meeting of Iv’s parliamentarians, Renzi reaffirmed his will not to break. And so, in the now opposing sides the hypothesis is making its way that the possible alternative strategy of the leader of IV could be that of attrition: weakening Calenda to “drain” Azione and unbalance the forces in the field. It is in this sense that some, in Transatlantico, read the passage to Italia Viva of various exponents of the former Roman secretariat of Action.

Operations in the House

In the corridors of Palazzo Montecitorio there are also those who point out that Renzi’s intention is to replace the leader of the Chamber group. For which a courtship of the deputies of Action Mara Carfagna and Enrico Costa would have already started. Therefore, to safeguard the unitary group, but to snatch the role of group leader from Calenda’s loyalist, Matteo Richetti. Hypothesis considered by some as one of the many possible blows of a “guerrilla” against the secretary of Action, “by now seen as an opponent”. To see the cards revealed, however, we will have to wait for Tuesday’s assembly in the Chamber.

The European perspective

Meanwhile, among the deputies of IV, there are those who do not give up expressing dissent towards any operation of attrition or breakage. «Let’s stop before we all end up in a ravine», says Luigi Marattin. Who relaunches: «We aim to build a single and stronger list at the European Championships». The reasoning, also shared by a slice of Action, is that any shocks in Parliament would bring down any prospect of an electoral coalition. With the risk of appearing unreliable in the eyes of the citizens who had voted for the Third Pole project in politics.

Wednesday the debate with Renew Europe

The road to the polls is still long, as MEP Sandro Gozi points out. On Wednesday 24 May he too will be at the event organized by Macroni’s Renew Europe which should end with a debate between the duelists Calenda and Renzi. Provided that the alliance that was to found the Third Pole is still standing.


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