Teachers marinate Landini’s strike. Flop numbers

Teachers marinate Landini's strike.  Flop numbers


The adhesion among teachers to at least one of the two days of protest at national level in mid-December was 1.6 percent, percentages slightly higher than those of ATA staff and educators, respectively 2.9 and 2.5 percent. The absence of the CISL, which has become the first trade union in the school world, weighs heavily

Does the school and university world no longer listen to the union? Have teachers, educators and researchers abandoned the secretaries of CGIL and UIL Maurizio Landini and Pierpaolo Bombardieri? Let’s go easy on the suggestions. What is certain is that looking at the data on participation in the last general strike of last December 16 against the budget law, and adding them to the days of the regional strike in the school world of the previous week, we find ourselves faced with very clear numbers. The strikes were a flop.

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