Taxi drivers, gas stations and bathing establishments. The new difficult relationship of the right with the belly of the country

Taxi drivers, gas stations and bathing establishments.  The new difficult relationship of the right with the belly of the country


In the past, the centre-right has been mirrored by those who feared the free market and outsiders. A transformation resulting from the great crisis. Now it’s up to Giorgia Meloni to make ends meet and build a long conservative cycle

One after the other, the small constituencies of the centre-right are starting to feel bitter. Taxi drivers, seaside resorts and gas station attendants had joyfully and transported their consents to the symbol of the Brothers of Italy, convinced they were playing bingo. Of finding himself the next day before a government that would have repudiated the hated marketism, would have put a stem on the diffusion of POSs, would have definitively shut down the hyperliberal ideas of the former Dutch commissioner Frits Bolkestein, would essentially have issued measures- photocopy of their applications. That is, the conservation of the existing, the imperishable victory of the insiders against any external entry (especially if foreign).

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