Taxes, who has reduced them the most at work? The confrontation between Meloni, Draghi, Conte and Renzi

Taxes, who has reduced them the most at work?  The confrontation between Meloni, Draghi, Conte and Renzi


Tax cut on labor, “the most important in decades”

From Renzi to Meloni, passing through Conte and Draghi. The reduction of taxes on labor is a constant commitment of the governments that have followed in the last 10 years. Above all, but not only, the so-called tax wedge is targeted, i.e. the difference due to the tax authorities and contributions between the gross salary paid by companies and the net salary that arrives in the pockets of the worker. To explain just refer to a single value: in 2022 the Italian tax wedge was 45.9% against an OECD average of 34.6%, and then there is now the need to support wages as inflation actually reduces their value. For this reason, the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, on the day of the holiday of 1 May, convened a Council of Ministers announcing the cut in taxes on work “the most important in recent decades”. But is it really so? Here is the comparison between the last governments.


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