Tax reform, from fringe benefits to 3,000 euros for the thirteenth richest: the hypotheses

Tax reform, from fringe benefits to 3,000 euros for the thirteenth richest: the hypotheses


The hearing in the House and Senate Finance Committees

From the reduction of taxes on the thirteenth salary to the stabilization of fringe benefits, from the three personal income tax rates in 2024 to the impact of cutting the tax wedge. The Deputy Minister of the Economy Maurizio Leo is a river in flood during the hearing of May 2 to the joint Finance commissions of the House and Senate, responding on the tax reform. Many objectives, some promises, but above all an admission: all “compatibly with the resources that will be found and recovered”, perhaps finding them “with the next Budget Law”. In short, we are still in the area of ​​planning. But something is moving. So let’s see what the main points touched by Leo during his hearing.


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