tax reform and income the next steps –

tax reform and income the next steps -


Mission accomplished– commented the Minister of Economy, Giancarlo Giorgetti -. The maneuver respects the commitments made with the voters and has first gained the trust of the markets and the European institutions and now, even more importantly, that of Parliament. According to the deputy prime minister and leader of the League, Matteo Salvini, the maneuver does not work miracles, but above all gives to those who are most in need. For Licia Ronzulli, group leader of Forza Italia in the Senate, the one approved was the best possible maneuver, written in a dramatic international context. Now, as Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said, the government, which with the maneuver has shown itself to be a friend of businesses, will concentrate onon the completion of the tax reform, on the reorganization of the Citizenship Income, on the implementation of the Pnrr.

However, the judgment is harsh of the oppositions. According to the deputy Nicola Zingaretti (Pd), government policy favors tax evaders while there is a fury against the poor. The right protects the strongest and increases injustices. The head of the 5 Stars, Giuseppe Conte, accuses the executive of having cashed in on the citizen’s income to favor Serie A football clubs while the leader of the Third Polo, Carlo Calenda, rejects the maneuver: At the first serious test, you have failed, “aridatece Mario”, he says referring to former Prime Minister Draghi.

The unions remain divided. Maurizio Landini’s CGIL confirms its negative opinion, emphasizing that the cut in the tax wedge will be barely visible: Between 7 and 14 euros more in the paycheck, absolutely insufficient to counteract the high cost of living. Instead, for the secretary of the Cisl, Luigi Sbarra, the maneuver can be shared in several parts and improved thanks to the social dialogue and our proposals.


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