Tajani on April 25: “Berlusconi closed the question to Onna. Meloni was clear”

Tajani on April 25: "Berlusconi closed the question to Onna. Meloni was clear"


“It is useless to ask Meloni for continuous blood tests, the heroes of freedom belong to all Italians,” says the Foreign Minister. On Di Maio, EU envoy in the Gulf: “he is not the candidate of the Italian government”

The Foreign Minister, Antonio Tajani, dampens the controversy around the government on the eve of the Liberation Day: “I will be at the Fosse Ardeatine on April 25, I represent the government and it is right to pay homage to the martyrdom of so many heroes, victims of the Nazi-fascist fury” , he says in an interview with Press. “Berlusconi has closed the chapter for everyone”, he added, recalling the historic 2009 speech in Onna, near L’Aquila, when Cav. then premier went among the partisans and tried the path of peace. “He spoke as a statesman and as a leader of the centre-right”, commented Tajani. “Meloni, who was Berlusconi’s minister in 2009, was clear,” she added.

In the interview, the Foreign Minister then commented on the choice of the high representative of the European Union Josep Borrell to assign Luigi Di Maio as envoy for the Gulf countries: “He applied individually, I don’t want to judge but I don’t he is the candidate of the Italian government”.

Silvio Berlusconi’s leadership on Forza Italia is not questioned. Tajani, who is the coordinator of the party, then clarified: “He also studies from the hospital. The contents of our political line always come from him”. Looking to the upcoming European elections, the minister said Forza Italia carefully evaluate the alliance with Meloni: “We believe that a form of bipolarism must also be reached in Europe, but we will have to look at the numbers”. And to the fear of ending up politically crushed by this political operation, Tajani replies: “They have been saying for thirty years that someone else will make us disappear. While the others often disappear, as happened with the Third Pole”.


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