Tajani for Meloni is a puzzle: he dissociates himself from Cav. not to miss the Farnesina

Tajani for Meloni is a puzzle: he dissociates himself from Cav.  not to miss the Farnesina


The leader of FdI almost trusts him alone, in FI. But after the audio of Cav. lex president of parliament is likely to be unfit as foreign minister. How does it come out? The puffs of Terzi di Sant’Agata and Urso. The stormy encounter with Draghi. The tensions with Ronzulli, who hopes it will end at Mise

It is the connecting link that risks becoming the link that does not hold. The fifth column that periclita. “There is not even to discuss about Antonio Tajani’s international caliber”, says Luca Ciriani, an iron melonian. And she says it without pretending. Only then, under the guarantee of anonymity, other loyalists of Donna Giorgia reflect that no, “it is not at all obvious that she will remain the obligatory candidate for the Farnesina”. Moreover: “Is dead”. And the paradox is that it would have been the same Silvio Berlusconi who wanted him at the top of the party to kill him, with who knows what degree of unawareness. “The statements of Cav. about Putin and Zelensky? I reserve the right not to comment on them, which is better ”, snorts Giulio Terzi di Sant’Agata, the ambassador elected to the Senate with FdI.

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