Tajani: “Agreement with Le Pen and Afd impossible”

Tajani: "Agreement with Le Pen and Afd impossible"


“I want to be very clear, I am also vice president of the EPP: any agreement with the AfD and with Mrs Le Pen’s party is impossible for us”. The Foreign Minister said so Antonio Tajani at Agorà Estate on Rai 3, “excluding” an agreement between Forza Italia and these parties.

“The League is a very different thing. We would be happy to have the League part of a majority, but without Le Pen and Alternative Fur Deutschland,” he added.

Today the meeting between the leader of the Carroccio Salvini and the leader of Rassemblement national Marine Le Pen.

“Soon some significant entry in FI”

“FI’s future is that of a large moderate force, we will be the center of Italian politics and we have an important role to play as the Democratic Party is moving to the left. FI will be a point of reference for the disappointed even from the center of the centre-left , we are the attractors. There will also be some significant entries in the coming days”. Thus the coordinator of FI on the future of the party after the death of Silvio Berlusconi.


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