Superbonus, what happens to construction sites after the government stops credit transfers and invoice discounts? –

Superbonus, what happens to construction sites after the government stops credit transfers and invoice discounts? -


1. What would a freeze on credit transfers lead to?
To limit ourselves to the Superbonus, three different situations must be distinguished.
The first of who has already started the work and, above all if at least one transfer has been made to Sal (work progress), possible when at least 30% of the works have been carried out: there shouldn’t be any problems completing the site.
The second, much more uncertain, is who has filed the Cilas (Communication of commencement of works) but has not yet started the works. Here we need to see further developments and in any case the risk of encountering a banking counterparty that is not too available.
The third situation, on the other hand, is clear: for those who have not yet presented the Cilas, there will be no possibility of transferring the credit.

2. The Superbonus for is not eliminated…
Without assignment of credit a bonuses for a few (and also very rich), because to avoid fiscal incapacity, very high taxable incomes are needed. And this is for condominiums. For the villette, the family quotient is used with rather low values, incompatible with the amount of deductions to be eventually enjoyed. A blockade would have very serious effects on families, businesses and the entire construction chain.

3. Why has the transfer mechanism stalled?
The banksafter having filled up on credits, they are you reach the limit of the tax capacity; moreover, various regulatory measures and the interpretations sometimes given by the Revenue advised the institutions to move with great prudence to avoid the risk, if they financed irregular operations, of having their credit seized. However, this second aspect was superseded by the Revenue circular of 6 October 2022, which states that if the bank had carried out adequate checks, it could not be held jointly and severally liable with the transferor. This principle is also implemented by the decree.

4. What countermeasures have been taken to encourage the circulation of credits?
After a first assignment, made by the taxpayer or to the company or to any subject, the second and third assignments must necessarily be made to a supervised entity (bank, finance company, insurance company). Banks can also receive a fourth assignment and in turn assign to professional customers. Little use so far. The last remedy that had been thought of was the transfer to public bodies, but the government said stop.

5. the economic framework has also changed…
The assignments, when practiced, today are priced between 92 and 94 euros for every 110 of credit, at the beginning they were remunerated between 100 and 104 euros. It means that the Superbonus is still onerous for the tax payer. The block concerns all the concessions but the weight of the stop is less, because the sums involved are lower, the risk of inadequacy is lower and the remuneration unattractive: for bonuses spread over ten years, 70% of the credit.


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