Superbonus, pressing parties for changes. Mulè (Fi): they are indispensable

Superbonus, pressing parties for changes.  Mulè (Fi): they are indispensable


The parties are pressing on the Superbonus. And not only by the opposition, Forza Italia too, which is in the majority, speaks openly of the need for improvements currently being approved. “Trust shouldn’t be placed and changes are needed. It is a question of moving with common sense towards the new regime. You have to stabilize a bonus that cannot be 110%, but 80 or 90», says the blue vice president of the Chamber Giorgio Mulè dryly, a guest of Rainews24. “We need to intervene in Parliament, we will deposit the amendments, the text is in the Chamber from Thursday”. And he adds: “Parliamentary changes are not only necessary as far as we are concerned, but indispensable”.

Cattaneo: stop could lead to a slowdown in the economy

It’s the depressive effects that are worrying. According to the president of Forza Italia deputies Alessandro Cattaneo, “families and businesses cannot pay the bill. Removing the Superbonus could also lead to a slowdown in the economy. Forza Italia will work towards a solution. It was necessary to put an end to a situation that would have led us to default. Now we need to release the accrued credits once and for all».

Bonaccini: surreal and irresponsible to proceed like this

The minority rails against the form and substance of the decision taken by the executive. “The methods are unfortunate, that’s not how you do it, it’s an incomprehensible, surreal and irresponsible way of proceeding because I, having led the Region for eight years, have never allowed myself to make a decision without first summoning the social partners, on the contrary, we decide everything by comparing ourselves with the social partners, sometimes even starting from different points of view”. For the president of Emilia Romagna and candidate for the secretariat of the Democratic Party Stefano Bonaccini «a unilateral decision was taken, bringing businesses and workers to their knees in difficulty in the coming months. Just look at the reaction of trade unions and business associations. But which way is it? But what is the way to proceed without even a confrontation with the protagonists for better or for worse and touched to the heart by this measure, doing the opposite of what they had said. Any measure can be taken, the important thing is not to proceed in this way ».

Marattin: right to intervene but reduce damage

«Yesterday we tried to understand the problem well. Today Italia Viva and Azione propose to the Meloni government a modification of the decree of the day before yesterday to meet families and businesses. First of all, let’s reiterate what has already been said. The origin of the problem was the unholy idea of ​​the M5S of May 2020 on free and uncontrolled transfer. And now – also in the light of the Eurostat decision – intervening was inevitable”. Third Pole deputy Luigi Marattin writes it on social media. “However there are 2 things that can be done. The first is to move the date by which to have Cilas and the condominium resolution from 17 February to 30 March in order to access the transfer of credit. Indeed, it is right to allow those who had already planned the works to take advantage of the regime that the State had promised them. The second concerns the mass of the past. Which, most likely, will still be counted in the 2022 deficit. In order to free up fiscal capacity for banks, they must be allowed to offset the credits currently in the belly with customers’ F24s. In this way, tax capacity can be freed up and the system can restart. It is a proposal that we had already made in the Budget Law, but which had been rejected. Like all the others (on Industry 4.0, on welfare, on expensive energy, on Pnrr, etc.). We make these two proposals to the majority, to modify the decree law in the conversion phase. It was right to intervene, but let’s do it by minimizing the damage to families and businesses ».


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