Superbonus: F24 and Btp among the hypotheses for problem loans

Superbonus: F24 and Btp among the hypotheses for problem loans


ROME. The solution to the credits of the superbonus and other building bonuses that remained stranded with the decree that blocked the transfers takes shape. And this solution also involves the F24, the models with which customers pay taxes to the bank and which institutions could use to offset the tax credits purchased.

Deputy Marco Osnato, president of the Finance commission of the Chamber where the amendments are to be voted on, announced news for the beginning of next week. Banks and insurance companies, which had pushed for this solution with the proposals of their associations, Abi and Ance, are waiting to see the text and in the meantime they are collecting the indiscretions with great caution. On this match, moreover, the Economy Minister, Giancarlo Giorgetti, had always said he was against it. But alongside the F24 hypothesis, another hypothesis remains on the table. In fact, according to parliamentary sources, there is also the option of giving banks that were unable to run out of credit at the end of the year the possibility of converting them into 10-year BTPs.

On the other hand, another hypothesis that emerged in the last few hours which envisaged the introduction of a ‘special vehicle’, perhaps a sales platform with involvement to cover Sace’s guarantee, would seem to have faded: a longer and more difficult possibility to implement. Time is running out to define all the aspects and the weekend will see the rapporteur Andrea De Bertoldi working with the government to bring the amendments to committee on Monday. The text is expected in the classroom on Wednesday. “On Monday, I believe we will be able to give a more precise answer that will also partially reconcile the F24s and an innovative solution that essentially provides for a vehicle that will solve the residual problems,” Osnato told a building initiative by Filca Cis. talking about new subjects that could help solve the problem.

Answering a question about the possible involvement of insurance companies, he recalled that companies have a lot of fiscal capacity, therefore room to absorb credits. According to estimates by the Revenue Agency, the residual capacity of the insurance companies is 10.2 billion for this year and that of the banks is 7.2 billion, although very different between institutions. The president of the Commission said he was “sure” of being able to close this chapter.

The issue would be partially resolved “automatically”, with the banks that would be starting to buy credits again. The first news of new operations comes from Banco Bpm, which has commitments to purchase subscribed tax credits (2.5 billion out of an already committed ceiling of 4 billion) which at the moment allow a cautious opening to new operations. Other institutions, such as Intesa Sanpaolo have already reached their tax capacity after having purchased tax credits for around 16 billion with a number of processed files in the order of 200,000.

The Treasury reportedly received the positive responses from the major financial institutions with “satisfaction” and considered the collaboration of the last few weeks to be “constructive”. The first day of voting in the committee at Montecitorio was also under the banner of collaboration on Thursday, where the first interventions often passed unanimously. Among other things, the maintenance of invoice discounts on architectural barriers and the saving of works not yet started for boilers and fixtures (the so-called free construction) for which self-certification is sufficient have been approved. The next changes to be voted on, on which there would already be an agreement, concern the exclusion from the block of transfers for social housing and non-profit organizations, the extension for the completion of the works on the villas until 30 September and the exemption for the sismabonus in the area of the crater in Abruzzo, Marche and Lazio. This measure could also be extended to the flooded municipalities in the Marche region, according to Osnato. The unions are pressing to be involved in this dossier as well. “The government should open discussions to avoid a social disaster,” said the general secretary of the CISL, Luigi Sbarra, on the Filca initiative, recalling that there are 100,000 jobs at risk.


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