Subsidized degree redemption, now it costs more: who is it better for? Examples for those aged between 30 and 60

Subsidized degree redemption, now it costs more: who is it better for?  Examples for those aged between 30 and 60


The effect of inflation

Redeeming the degree in a subsidized form will cost more in 2023. Assessing its actual convenience, therefore, is even more important today, especially if the main objective is to bring the retirement age forward. A goal that is not always so obvious, as evidenced by a simulation carried out by Smileconomy on behalf of theEconomics of the Corriere della Sera. The INPS has yet to officially communicate the renewed amount of the charge but, according to the calculations made by Smileconomy, the expense of the light redemption for each year of university courses rose to 5,776 euros (28,882 euros for a 5-year course), 7.8% more than the 5,360 euros in 2022. «Since the existence of the subsidized redemption it has always been said that there was no urgency, so much so that the cost would always remain the same regardless of the income – explains Andrea Carbone, founder of Smileconomy -. It was true for 2019, 2020 and 2021, but then, already in 2022, a minimum of inflation was enough to drive up spending. As evidence that it is better to deal with the evaluation of the convenience or otherwise of the ransom in time. Also because let’s not forget that, regardless of the path taken, whether traditional or facilitated, the redemption may not always be useful for the purpose of bringing the retirement age forward”.

Read also:
– Did you start working before or after 1996? Here are the accounts to do for the redemption of the degree: all the tables and simulations


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