Sub-government and presidencies Parliamentary commissions: here is the scheme of the center-right to divide 56 seats

Sub-government and presidencies Parliamentary commissions: here is the scheme of the center-right to divide 56 seats


There should then be another undersecretary to the Presidency with the responsibility for the digital transition (which in the Draghi executive was managed directly by a special ministry). For this box, the name of another member of Fdi has circulated several times: Alessio Butti. In the scheme sketched in Palazzo Chigi a Fi should go 2 places as deputy minister and 6 as undersecretary.

But Silvio Berlusconi’s party always has to have a greater presence. As well as the League, which in the starting scheme should count on 11 ministerial seats (including 2 or 3 as deputy minister). The centrists of Noi Moderati, who have remained out of their posts as minister, should count on a deputy minister or, alternatively, on two undersecretaries. The rest of the boxes would be occupied by members of FdI.

The Mef team

The ministry of greatest importance is, as is well known, that of the Economy. Also for this reason the composition of the team called to support the Northern League player Giancarlo Giorgetti is delicate. A fixed point in Giorgia Meloni’s scheme is Maurizio Leo, who will be called to hold the position of Deputy Minister with responsibility for Finance. Three should be the undersecretaries. For these seats, among others, the Northern League player Federico Freni (already with the same position in the Draghi executive), the blue Maurizio Casasco and Alessandro Colucci of Noi Moderati would be in the running. Nicola Calandrini of FdI also finds a place in the “toto-Mef”.

Presidencies Committees: in the Senate 5-3-2 scheme for presidencies

At Palazzo Madama the one preferred by FdI for the Commissions is the 5-3-2 “module”: 5 presidencies for the party led by Meloni, 3 for the Lega and 2 for Fi. The game will go live in the first week of November, but also in this case Lega and Fi are aiming to obtain an extra presidency. The latest rumors give almost certain the assignment of the presidency of the Budget Commission of Palazzo Madama to Fdi and the most popular name is that of Nicola Calandrini as long as he does not join the team of deputy ministers and undersecretaries. The leadership of the Finance Committee should instead be entrusted to a member of the League: among others, Claudio Borghi and Massimo Garavaglia would be in the running. But Fi also points to this Commission. The Labor Commission is also in the sights of the Carroccio, with Claudio Durigon as possible president in the event that he is not appointed Deputy Minister or Undersecretary for Labor.

In the Chamber “modulo” 7-4-3 with the variable Noi moderati

In Montecitorio, where despite the reduction from 630 to 400 of the deputies the structure of the standing committees remained unchanged, the negotiations in the majority went on starting from the 7-4-3 scheme, or seven presidencies for the premier’s party, 4 for the Carroccio and 3 Fi. But with the variable to be “weighed” by the centrists of us moderates, who could obtain a presidency. As with the Senate, the Northern League and Fi are pushing for a higher number of presidencies. In any case, the “Azzurri” should be given the first seat of the Budget Committee: Roberto Pella would be in the running. The leadership of the Finance Commission would instead be entrusted to Fdi, and in this case one of the most popular names is that of Andrea De Bertoldi.


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