Strawberry tree, how it is grown in the garden and in pots: properties and contraindications

Strawberry tree, how it is grown in the garden and in pots: properties and contraindications


The strawberry tree plant is a European shrub similar to the blueberry, with the scientific name of Arbutus unedo. One of the characteristics that make the strawberry tree one of the recommended plants in the garden is that of bringing both flowers and fruit in autumn, all in the same period. A very colorful and fast-growing plant, which manages to fill the green spaces with a triple red, green and white color. For this reason, the strawberry tree is also called the “Italian tree” since the leaves are always green, the flowers are white and the fruits are red.

The fruit is a fleshy berry with semi-rigid tubercles of two, three millimeters, with a good and tasty pulp; berries rich in vitamin C and vitamin E, with antioxidant and astringent properties. These ripen between October and December and begin the new flowering, an ever-living cycle of the arbutus tree that is born and the arbutus tree that matures. They can be used to prepare excellent jams, juices and much more, as well as some distillates. The leaves instead have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial functions for urogenital, intestinal or stomach treatments. In the kitchen, the leaves of the strawberry tree are used to flavor cheeses. Strawberry tree flowers are appreciated by bees, which produce one of the most sought-after honeys: Strawberry Tree honey.

The name strawberry tree comes from the vulgar Latin corbitjus, the union of the term corba and the name arbutus; the scientific name of the species unedo, on the other hand, has Latin and Roman poetic meanings: Pliny the Elder maintained that the fruit of the strawberry tree should be eaten alone and once in a while (unum = one and edo = I eat).

The strawberry tree grows slowly and for this reason it does not require excessive pruning. It is important to observe carefully where the strawberry tree plant is located to decide how to prune it and maintain the desired shape. The branches that touch the ground must be cut so as to perfect the shape of the strawberry tree plant. While for the strawberry tree grown in pot it must be pruned from below, so that it can grow in height, having less space than the one grown in the garden. The reverse of the medal, however, is that pruning greatly reduces the number of fruits, which take a year to ripen.

Cultivation of the strawberry tree in the garden

L’origin of the plant of the strawberry tree is Mediterranean, an evergreen, but over time there have also been plantations in Northern Europe with extensions of average heights ranging from 2 to 7 meters. It can be grown both in pots and in the garden, the important thing is that you use an already existing and mature strawberry tree plant, as the proliferation of the shrub is very long. If grown in a mild climate, there may be examples of secular plants, in the garden a sunny position or partial shade is recommended. The strawberry tree, on the other hand, fears the winter winds: a place not too exposed to the cold must be identified. In Northern Italy, where the climate is rather cold, in the first years of planting, it is advisable to protect the plant with fabric or greenhouse protection.

Me too’irrigation it is very important, especially in the first year of life of the strawberry tree, that it must be watered regularly, especially in the hottest months. For the strawberry tree in the garden, even rain will be sufficient in the rainy seasons, while in summer it will be necessary to provide manual irrigation.

Cultivation of the strawberry tree in pots

For the transplant into pots a well-drained soil with an acid PH is suggested. Some herbal remedies suggest a citrus substrate, usually acid-based, with a clayey layer at the bottom. This is because the plant suffers from water stagnation, which can cause radical asphyxiation and rot of the strawberry trees. Cultivation of the strawberry tree in pots decreases the vast growth of the plant, but at the same time a beautiful plantation with lush shoots can be obtained. The nutrients contained in the pot are destined to run out, therefore the soil must be integrated with fertilization processes and/or liquid fertilizers for citrus fruits. Alternatively, it is possible to use a slow release fertilizer specific for citrus fruits. The pot recommended for growing the strawberry tree must have a depth of at least 40 cm to ensure good drainage for the plant.

Properties of the strawberry tree

There are many properties of the strawberry tree given by the presence of different qualities and vitamins present in the leaves, in addition to the fruit and roots. Some of the beneficial properties are mentioned such as methylarbutin, arbutin, tannins and hydroquinone: all antioxidants and excellent active ingredients for the aesthetic and healing field. These properties make it suitable as a reforestation plant in difficult areas. The stem is covered with a thin bark, with a brown color that tends slightly to red. This bark is rich in tannins, which when extracted, serve as dyes in the tanning of leather. As mentioned before, strawberry tree honey is a typical product of Sardinia, because this region offers an ideal climate for strawberry trees. It is a highly sought-after honey with a delicious flavour.

Contraindications of the strawberry tree

The strawberry tree plant is often attacked by Aphids (like lice) or from mushrooms, such as the Septoria undenonis, recognizable by the change of the leaves from green to yellow. In the case of strawberry tree aphids, it is possible to intervene with an insecticide of natural origin. To eliminate Septoria there are treatments with a biological cupric fungicide. The strawberry tree is considered an excellent remedy for digestion or for the treatment of diarrhea, but its use is not recommended during pregnancy, while breastfeeding and in children. Given the high content of tannins, it can cause irritation to the gastrointestinal tract. In this regard, those following drug therapy should pay particular attention to the use of processing of the strawberry tree because there is the risk of interaction with other medicines.


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