Spid, renewables and new hires in the PA: what changes with the Pnrr decree

Spid, renewables and new hires in the PA: what changes with the Pnrr decree


Pnrr decree, green light from the commission in the Senate

The Senate budget commission gives its ok to the decree law on the governance of the Pnrr, with the mandate to the rapporteurs, Matteo Gelmetti (FdI) and Elena Testor (Lega) to report to the Chamber. The measure will be examined by the Assembly per the definitive ok after the break of the Easter holidays, Wednesday 12th April.
Among the approved measures there are interventions for the reduction of payment times in the Public Administration, a contribution of 40 million euros to Spid managers before making room for a single digital identity, the stabilization of personnel hired in local authorities such as regions and municipalities within European projects.
After the reading in the Senate, the decree will have to be examined by the Chamber for conversion into law, expected by April 25th. Let’s see what measures it contains.

Read also:Pnrr, that’s why Italy doesn’t know how to spend European money


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