Spid activated by 63% of Italians: Pnrr target reached in advance

Spid activated by 63% of Italians: Pnrr target reached in advance


Spid, 63% of Italians now have their own digital identity. 2022 was a year of strong diffusion of this tool: at the end of September, 32.2 million citizens in possession of their Spid (Public Digital Identity System). It is 30% more than in the same period of 2021, with releases and accesses continuously increasing. Most of the adult population is in possession of it, even if with a non-homogeneous distribution neither by age group nor by geographical area. These are the results of the research of the Digital identity Observatory of the School of Management of the Politecnico di Milano

Between 18 and 24 they all have the Spid

According to this study, all 18-24 year olds own Spid, with a very different situation among Italians over 75 where less than 1 in 4 has activated their digital identity.

Also at a geographical level, there are many differences: we go from the record of Lazio, where 74% of the population has Spid, followed by Lombardy (70%) and Emilia-Romagna, Campania and Piedmont (62%), up to the last places. Calabria (54%), Marche (53%) and Molise (with 52%).

Electronic identity card

In Italy, however, not only Spid exists, but the spread of the electronic identity card is also growing: 31.3 million citizens are in possession of the document, + 29% compared to September 2021. These levels of diffusion position Italy already beyond the objectives defined in the NRP for 2024, therefore achieved two years in advance.


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