Sovereign short circuit on Mes and Pnrr

Sovereign short circuit on Mes and Pnrr


In short, even in Croatia, the latest addition to the euro group, the Italian stubbornness in not ratifying the Mes becomes an inexplicable case. Indeed, the Zagreb newspapers asked Pierre Gramegna for an explanation. And the president of the State-saving Fund repeated what must have bored him by now, namely that “only one country has not ratified the treaty, Italy, where the final decision depends on the Parliament”. And of course, “this process must be respected”, continued Gramegna, “but at the same time the recent financial turbulence in the US and Switzerland demonstrates how important it is to have a backstop in place in Europe”. have it, however, it depends precisely on the complete ratification of the Mes: and therefore from Italy. Now, the reasons given over time by Giorgia Meloni to justify the Italian obstructionism towards the EU on the Mes are various and all variously unfounded, but therefore the squint of the sovereign government towards Brussels is above all striking. Because this willingness to obstruct the other 19 states adhering to the Mes for seven months now is reaffirmed in the same weeks in which, through the mouth of Raffaele Fitto, Palazzo Chigi complains of the Commission’s excessive zeal and scruple in evaluating the Italian Pnrr. We therefore ask for flexibility on the Recovery, and in exchange we offer stubbornness on the Mes. The role of major beneficiary of Ngeu funds is claimed, and an entire continent is expected to be blocked by itself. On June 30th, the motion desired by the Pd and the Third Pole on the ratification of the Mes will be discussed in the Chamber. It will also be, by bizarre coincidence, the day on which the semester of the Pnrr will expire with its 27 objectives worth 16 billion. It would be desirable for the government to take the opportunity to finally say Yes to the Mesfollowing the words of common sense pronounced in these hours by Minister Antonio Tajani, and not take refuge in parliamentary loopholes to drag it out and postpone the vote, perhaps asking for a new round of hearings.

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