Soumahoro, the deputy in boots who tripped over the embezzlement: mess or cheating?

Soumahoro, the deputy in boots who tripped over the embezzlement: mess or cheating?


Who is Aboubakar Soumahoro? The question begins to have a literary appeal: a naïve and somewhat naive idealist? A vulgar cheater? Is yours the story of an accidental and unaware stumble or is it the political scam of the decade? The charm obviously also lies in the possibility that one track does not completely exclude the others, as anyone who has loved knows The imposter from Javier Cercasa book that tells the human and political story of Enrico Marcoanti-Franco militant, head of the anarchist union in the 1970s and president of the Spanish Association of Extermination Camp Survivors, where in reality – despite his invented stories – Marco had not spent a single day of the…


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