So the government tries to get around the local vetoes on the Pnrr

So the government tries to get around the local vetoes on the Pnrr


After months of discussions internally and with the European Commission, the government is ready to review the governance that will have to deal with the implementation of the Pnrr. It will do so starting today, in a technical meeting that is considered a pre-council of ministers, in anticipation of the real CDM that will take place on Thursday and which will be called to approve the new rules. The news is different, many of which we had already anticipated when dealing with the government’s willingness to review the Draghi legacy on this front. In reality, it was expected that the text would arrive in the Council of Ministers by January, but the need to untie some knots, as well as that of trying to meet the needs of local authorities, has caused a lengthening of the times.

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