So small businesses can help the government implement the Pnrr

So small businesses can help the government implement the Pnrr


The pandemic emergency and then the war in Ukraine imposed emergency measures to counter its devastating effects on the economic system. The sequence of crises of a different nature turned the paradigm upside down: normality has become a brief interval between extraordinary phases forcing institutions, businesses and citizens to develop particular adaptability and flexibility. Normality itself has become changeable, every crisis modifies political and economic contexts and references. To make the equation even more complicated, the intensity and duration of the crises that affect the medium and long-term trajectories intervene. This premise serves to highlight some variables that require attention and ability to respond. From the point of view of small businesses, the exit strategy must be accompanied by measures and reforms to remove some historical criticalities that penalize the competitiveness of a fundamental piece of Italy. Interventions to be designed on the specifics of small businesses, not the other way around. A necessary discontinuity on which to rebuild political and economic planning skills.

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