So Biden is trying to isolate China on the oil of the future, the chips

So Biden is trying to isolate China on the oil of the future, the chips


Three quarters of the world’s $ 556 billion chip production is absorbed annually by Chinese industry. But, despite the efforts of recent years, only 15 percent of the needs come from the Dragon factories. This data could be enough to understand that semiconductors represent the Achilles heel of the Asian giant, forced to depend on products made in Korea and Taiwan. A weakness that the United States has decided to lay bare by decreeing a sort of global embargo on the sales of semiconductors in Beijing, the key raw material of the twenty-first century, more precious than oil: from now on, with immediate effect, the chips sold to China, wherever they are produced, must pass the American exam. The constraint, in truth, concerns only the most sophisticated products, those intended for military technologies, with an eye to quantum supercomputers rather than artificial intelligence. And in the first days of application of the new rules, Washington has already authorized important transfers to the general rule for the benefit of the Korean Samsung and Hinix as well as the Taiwanese giant, Tsmc, which will be able to continue to feed the Chinese electric car industry, in full expansion.

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