Smart working, towards the extension but only for the frail: stop for parents of under 14

Smart working, towards the extension but only for the frail: stop for parents of under 14


Smart working towards the extension

The government seems to intend to extend smart working, a measure otherwise expiring on June 30 and which concerns fragile workers and parents of children under 14 in both the public and private sectors. The dossier, borne by the Minister of Labor Marina Calderone, has been under discussion for days: it could be sufficient to extend one of the many amendments presented in Parliament, both to the labor decree of May 1st and to that relating to the Public Administration. For example, the League proposed an extension of remote working until 30 September.Movimento 5 Stelle, Pd, Verdi and Sinistra have requested until the end of the year, 31 December 2023.
The difficulty that could hinder the provision concerns costs and finding the necessary resources. This is why one of the options is also to limit smart working – born as an emergency measure – to those suffering from certain pathologies, excluding those with children under 14.

Read also: Smart working, hypothesis extended until December 31st


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