Smart working for parents of under 14s: who can have the extension and under what conditions

Smart working for parents of under 14s: who can have the extension and under what conditions


Will there be an extension for smart working for those with children?

Smart working for those with children has been extended until the end of the year, but only applies to those who work in the private sector. This was established by an amendment to the Labor decree, approved by the Senate’s Social Affairs Commission. However, those who work in the public sector are excluded. At the moment, the Public Administration is only thinking about the possibility of extending smart working to the frail. The Minister of Public Administration, Paolo Zangrillo, seems to exclude the possibility of envisaging an extension to both categories also in the public sector. I hope that there will continue to be the right attention towards the fragile. We are no longer in a pandemic, so I don’t think there is any more urgency to intervene on parents with children under 14, he said in recent days.

Read also:
– Agile working, extension within the company Contracts, renewals without reason


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