Single check, in June the adjustments for one family out of 6: what happened

Single check, in June the adjustments for one family out of 6: what happened


Single universal cheque, recalculation to 10 June

From 10 June it will be possible to find out how to recalculate the single check which will benefit about 900,000 households, equal to 16% of the total audience. The disbursement was scheduled for May, but due to the maxi adjustment it was postponed until June, causing difficulties and concern for families. In fact, the INPS assistance center received numerous requests for explanations about how and when the check would arrive. In a few days, all the details will be available on the institute’s online service, by logging in with your credentials, the Spid or the Cie (electronic identity card).
Let’s see we know about the recalculation modes so far.

Read also:Single check, the adjustments are coming: this is who is entitled to the increases


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