“Signatures gone, Rocca list irregular”, former councilor Desideri appeals to the TAR

"Signatures gone, Rocca list irregular", former councilor Desideri appeals to the TAR


“There are irregularities and even violations of the law in the presentation of the civic list Francesco Rocca“. Words that sound like stones those spoken yesterday morning by Fabio Desideri, former center-right city councilor and president of Confimprese World, eliminated at the last minute from that list, after having already signed the acceptance of the candidacy from the notary. A serious complaint, which risks heavily mortgaging the future of the aspiring governor of Lazio, chosen by Giorgia Meloni to lead the centre-right coalition.

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Desideri, who appealed, albeit in vain, to both the TAR and the Council of State against his exclusion, specifies that during the discussion of the electoral appeals filed with the provincial District Commission and the Court of Appeal of Rome, as well as before the administrative judges , “it was highlighted that the Civic List for Rocca Presidente was presented without collecting the necessary signatures from the electors” of Lazio.

The former regional councilor recalls that this possibility is recognized only to political groups or parties already present in the regional council on the date of calling the electoral rallies and therefore before last December 14th. In the decree calling the same electoral rallies, only the Pd groups, Zingaretti civic list, +Europa Radicali, Centro Solidale/Demos, Liberi e equal in Lazio, M5S, Forza Italia, Lega, FdI and Gruppo Misto are constituted.

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“The Civic List Group for Rocca Presidente was not present – adds Desideri – for the constitution of which at least three councilors are needed. subsequently, also taking into account the fact that until 19 December 2022 the choice in the centre-right, in relation to the candidate for president, was divided into three different candidates: Rampelli, Rocca, Trancassini”.

The former regional councilor also points out that none of the latter could officially define himself as a candidate for president for the centre-right coalition until the formalization of the representatives of the various parties belonging to the coalition, a “thing that then happened on 3 January 2023 and only in on that date it was learned that a civic list identified by his name would also have been part of the coalition that would have supported Francesco Rocca as president of the Lazio Region”.

The president of Confimprese World thus concludes by assuring that he has deemed it necessary to bring to the attention of public opinion, and in particular to all candidates in the next regional elections, what occurred during the presentation of the list: “I consider it a duty for the citizens of our region, in order to stigmatize the participation in the next regional elections of a list admitted on the basis of irregularities, in my opinion present in a public deed, and also to avoid a potentially distorted electoral result, where one considers that the candidate for president Francesco Rocca signed the declaration of connection with the same list”.

“Now I understand why Rocca is nervous – he declared Alessio D’Amatocandidate for president for the Democratic Party and the Third Pole – yet another mess, yet another black lump that is staining the electoral campaign of the candidate of the right”. The mayor of Fiumicino and exponent dem Esterino Montino echoed him: “The candidate of the right he would do well to clarify unequivocally how things stand”. But from Rocca, until late in the evening, no official comment.


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