Sensational, Gualtieri does not play guitar for Guccini

Sensational, Gualtieri does not play guitar for Guccini


After the performances with Vasco Rossi and Fiorello, the mayor of Rome received a visit from the Emilian singer-songwriter. But this time, unfortunately, his collaborators stopped him. Clearly a mistake

The scene is one that first of all arouses feelings to break the driest heart. “No, please, no guitar”, Roberto Gualtieri was heard to say by one of his collaborators (note for the Romans who haven’t noticed: Gualtieri has been the mayor of Rome for a year). And at that point, this mayor and former finance minister looked almost like a foreigner under the gun of the sheriff in a western movie. “Be good”, the staff at the Campidoglio said to him, more or less, while he was trying to give his torturers enemies of good music a shriveled and unarmed look: but how, my beautiful guitar… Nothing to Do. Faces closed like almond shells. I don’t know. This time you keep it in the closet. Here you are. This time.

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