School for the Constitution, today’s procession in Florence brings together Schlein and Conte

School for the Constitution, today's procession in Florence brings together Schlein and Conte


Say no to violence, reaffirming that the affirmation and defense of the values ​​of the Constitution born of the Resistance constitute a precise duty for the entire school community. Elly Schlein, freshly elected to lead the dem, and Giuseppe Conte will meet today at the demonstration called in Florence by the unions after the violence at the Michelangiolo classical high school. It is obviously premature to speak of renewed harmony between the two major opposition parties, once allies, but the political course inaugurated by the new secretary of the Democratic Party makes (now) possible a common perspective on several levels.

Departure of the procession at 14.00

Organized by the CGIL, CISL and UIL of Florence and by the national federations of the school, the event includes a procession which from Piazza Santissima Annunziata (2.00 pm) will reach Piazza Santa Croce (at 3.00 pm) for the final rally. The interventions from the stage will be entrusted to representatives elected in the RSU of Florentine schools, to which are added representatives of civil society and associations that have ensured their presence – among others ARCI, ANPI, and ACLI. Also expected by the organizers a speech by the mayor of Florence Dario Nardella.

The attack of February 18th

The procession of the national demonstration “in defense of the school and the Constitution”, in which up to 50,000 people are expected to participate, will also pass in front of the Michelangiolo high school, in via della Colonna, the site of the attack on two students last February 18 by a group of at least six Student Action militants, who are under investigation by the judiciary for the crimes of injury and beatings, with the aggravating circumstances of having acted in a group and for trivial reasons.

The trade unions: a firm and clear answer

“We believe that the very serious events that took place in front of the Michelangiolo high school cannot remain without a firm and clear answer – said Francesco Sinopoli (Flc CGIL), Ivana Barbacci (Cisl School) and Giuseppe D’Aprile (Uil School) presenting the initiative – that we intend to give by making the words of President Mattarella our own, who reminded us how important it is to affirm models of life that are opposed to those based on violence, arrogance, oppression. This is how the foundations are laid for a democracy based on civil coexistence. The role played by the school is fundamental in this sense, which is why the violence exercised in front of its doors is even more unacceptable and dangerous”. The strongest condemnation of the serious threats recently made to Minister Valditara has also come from the general secretaries of the three major school unions.

Accessions from all over Italy

There will be hundreds of teachers and principals not only from Florence but from all over Italy. Hundreds of parties, associations, movements, groups, collectives and municipal administrations took part in the demonstration. Among the participants also the secretary general of the CGIL Maurizio Landini, the secretary of the national PNA Gianfranco Pagliarulo, the secretary of the Italian Left Nicola Fratoianni and the former minister Roberto Speranza.


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