Schlein’s ambiguous line on Ukraine conflicts with the PES and disappoints pacifists

Schlein's ambiguous line on Ukraine conflicts with the PES and disappoints pacifists


On the one hand there is the impossibility of dissociating oneself from the position of Europe and the European Socialist Party, on the other the expectations nurtured in the “pacifist” movement. Thus the Democratic Party has an incomprehensible and inexplicable position on weapons that ends up disappointing everyone

The line of the Democratic Party on foreign defense policy is now incomprehensible. And it is incomprehensible because it is inexplicable. It is not, as they say in these cases, a “communication problem”: the problem is the objective impossibility of communicating a confused and unhappy position. The mess of the tripartite vote (10 yes, 4 abstentions and one no) in the European Parliament on the regulation Asap (Act to support ammunition production) to adjust the European strategic reserves of ammunition is embodied by the figure of Brando Benifeihead of delegation of the Democratic Party in Brussels, who in a “clarification” interview with Fatto manages to argue that yes to the regulation is compatible with the rejection of the amendment to exclude the use of Pnrr funds to produce weapons, even if July yes could turn into no if Italy were to use the money from the Pnrr.

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