Schlein towards the assembly of 12, with his eyes fixed on the role of the internal minority

Schlein towards the assembly of 12, with his eyes fixed on the role of the internal minority


Today in the classroom Piantedosi refers to Crotone, but in the meantime the Bonaccini theme is on the agenda. “It’s up to Elly to first evaluate a possible proposal to myself”, says the governor of Emilia-Romagna. Calenda: “No to preliminary rulings”

Elly Schlein, in the backpack replacing the one stolen from her on the train some time ago, does not have a pre-established strategy with respect to the case of the Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi (who today reports to the Chamber on the Crotone shipwreck). In the sense that the former movementist and new secretary of the Pd will observe and evaluate what to do externally both towards the government and on the alliance front, back as he is from wide field test in Florence and from the partial opening at the Third Pole (on “Che tempo che fa”, on Rai3). “Possible common battles”, said the new secretary of the Democratic Party; “no to prejudicial remarks about Schlein”, replied the leader of Action.

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