Schlein, Renzi and Calenda at Berlusconi’s funeral. Conte won’t be there

Schlein, Renzi and Calenda at Berlusconi's funeral.  Conte won't be there


The secretary of the Pd will be at the state funeral of the Cav. together with the group leaders dem Chiara Braga and Francesco Boccia, as well as the third pole. The M5s is in hiding

Not only the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, the entire government and, most likely, almost all the former ministers (those still alive) of the four governments that Silvio Berlusconi presided over. At the funeral of the Cav. there will also be opposition. Not all though.

Although a piece of the left – from Rosy Bindi to Nicola Fratoianni – has argued over the government’s choice to celebrate state funerals and proclaim national mourning, the leadership of the Democratic Party has chosen a less controversial line. Elly Schlein will be tomorrow at 3 pm inside the Milan cathedral for the solemn funeral. With her there will be the two dem group leaders, Chiara Braga and Francesco Boccia. Already yesterday the secretary had decided to cancel the direction “as a sign of respect for the moment of pain”, in line with the halt to parliamentary work and the cancellation of ministers’ agendas.

Third pole leaders Matteo Renzi and Carlo Calenda will also participate in tomorrow’s celebration. The great absentee will instead be the head of the M5s Giuseppe Conte. Yesterday the grillino remembered Berlusconi with much more respectful words than those of many other exponents of the Movement. Today though leaked the agency’s decision not to attend the funeral.

Even Berlusconi’s historic political opponent, Romano Prodi, was expected to attend the funeral. Due to the sudden death of his wife, Flavia Franzoni, which took place today, the former Prime Minister and founder of the Ulivo will not be there.


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