Schlein proposes the presidency of the Democratic Party to Bonaccini: but unity between the two is difficult

Schlein proposes the presidency of the Democratic Party to Bonaccini: but unity between the two is difficult


That the substance of the agreement had been defined, each confided to his own troops. Elly Schlein confronted the narrow circle of her collaborators. Stefano Bonaccini in the mid-afternoon organized a video call with a large delegation of the territorial managers of his motion. Then, finally, the meeting. At a distance, though. He from Bologna of him; she from Rome. A unit sanctioned remotely, via Zoom. In the end, the agreement seems obvious: presidency for the defeated candidate, and shared voicemail management, more or less. But to that, the composition of the secretariat, we will think about it from Mondayafter Sunday’s assembly (organized directly by Schlein’s entourage, without letting Letta’s staff take care of it, as the Nazarene etiquette would require).

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