Schlein-Meloni: duel without biting each other, meanwhile Salvini and Conte are looking for attention

Schlein-Meloni: duel without biting each other, meanwhile Salvini and Conte are looking for attention


It ends with a handshake in the Chamber. “HI”. “HI”. Then Giorgia Meloni and Elly Schlein go about their own business. One towards Palazzo Chigthe. The other at the buvette with the spokesman Flavio Alivernini (pursued by a swarm of reporters, usual scene: Elly will make statements, no questions). We need to broaden our gaze. Matteo Salvini wanders around satisfied: he was overwhelmed (badly, but it doesn’t matter) and before entering he even attacked the CGIL, where Meloni will go tomorrow. Almost as nice as Giuseppe Conte who did not speak in the Chamber, except to announce a legislative decree on the minimum wage on the sidelines. Argument used by the “interrogator”, as Meloni called the secretary of the Democratic Party.

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