Schlein meets reporters for the first time since the primaries

Schlein meets reporters for the first time since the primaries


Almost two months after the victory, the secretary will hold a press conference. The appointment is on April 19 at the Nazarene. He hasn’t spoken to journalists since the night of the success on Bonaccini

More than 50 days after her coronation as secretary of the Democratic Party (52 to be precise), Elly Schlein has decided that the time is ripe to indulge in journalists at a press conference. The convocation is tomorrow at 2.30 pm at the Nazareno, where Schlein will take stock of the situation and illustrate the proposals of the dem “on some important issues such as health, precariousness, Pnrr, to build the alternative and organize, inside and outside the institutions , the work of opposition to the right-wing government“, as stated in the note issued by his entourage.

The press conference of the new secretary was eagerly awaited, because in recent weeks some important steps had taken place without direct communication with journalists. First of all, the appointment of the new group leaders in the Chamber (Clare Braga) and in the Senate (Francesco Boccia), for which there was no press conference. Then with the presentation of the secretariat, set up not in front of reporters but in a live broadcast on Instagram. Occasion in which she had apologized to journalists, because “there was no time for a press conference, which we will organize as soon as possible”. It was April 7, another 12 days have passed since then.

Tomorrow’s appointment will above all be an opportunity to clarify ideas a little about the party line. Because on many of the issues in which the public debate has been immersed in recent weeks, it hasn’t quite been understood what Schlein thought. So much so that in the absence of an idea of ​​a party “personal opinions” have multiplied. First of all on the waste-to-energy dossier in Rome, with some members of the new secretariat (such as the environment manager Annalisa Corrado) historically opposed to the project wanted by the mayor of Rome Roberto Gualtieri. Again the other day the former vice president of Emilia Romagna dribbled a question, while she was at an event organized in the province of Florence. And just tomorrow the Democratic Party is expected to express itself on an agenda presented by the Verdi-Italian Left group in the folds of the Pnrr decree with the aim of hindering the construction of the Roman plant. Who knows if tomorrow we will know more. Meanwhile, Schlein has decided it’s time to answer the questions.


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