Schlein guest of honor at Claudio Baglioni’s house: dinner with Verdone, Sorrentino, Muccino and Franceschini

Schlein guest of honor at Claudio Baglioni's house: dinner with Verdone, Sorrentino, Muccino and Franceschini


“He seems like an interesting person to me,” she would say Claudius Baglioni Of Elly Schlein two weeks ago, in an interview with Republic. The singer-songwriter had met the new Pd secretary for a few minutes in the studios of What’s the weather like, in Milan, a month earlier. There, the spark. Singer curiosity. And an invitation to dinner.

Elly guest of Claudio, a few nights ago – he said The paper – in his penthouse in the Parioli district of Rome. The dem leader was with the former minister Dario Franceschini and his deputy wife Michela DeBiase. But above all together with various artists, including the Oscar-winning director Paolo Sorrentinothe actor Charles Verdonedirector Gabriel MuccinoWriter Nicholas Lagioia.

Much more is not known, the guests maintain confidentiality, it is useless to knock on the Nazarene to find out what was discussed at the table. And if Baglioni’s interest has become something more. “I am perplexed about placing all hope in a leader – said Baglioni to Republic – we did it with others, in the past, and then we saw that it didn’t work”. Who knows if he’s changed his mind now.


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